Mile High Media

With 5,425 scenes and counting, a membership at Mile High Media is a solid choice no matter what type of porn you prefer. As a member, you’ll be able to view videos covering just about every niche, including hardcore, lesbian, taboo, and bi-sexual. And since the member’s area is constantly being updated, you’ll have an unlimited supply of fresh hardcore porn to view. One of the best features of this adult site however is the countless adult stars you’ll gain access to. Currently there are more than 1,500 porn stars to choose from and more are being added all the time. Mile High Media currently accepts all major gift cards as well as credit cards. If you join via a gift card, the length of your membership will be based upon the remaining value of your trade-in. If you join via credit card however you can choose between a monthly, quarterly, or yearly plan at a reduced rate. While the standard fee is $29.99, our discount allows you to pay just $14.95 for a 1-month plan. While this plan saves you 50%, your fee reverts to $29.99 if you remain a member. You can avoid this increase by purchasing a 3-month plan for $68.95 or a 12-month plan for $95.40. Obviously, the 12-month plan is the best deal available at just $7.95 per month on average.

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